Who'll Who'll Stop the Rain
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The Challenge...George 

One cold winter night, our colleague George sent out a letter to the rest of the members of our Odds and Ends Writer's Group. 

Dear Writing Cohort: 

It seems lately we've all developed a writers' block. Originally, we decided to join this group because we felt it would make us more diligent in pursuing our craft. Accordingly, I have prayed to the Muses for an answer. The answer seems to be that when we have a group project going we are much more diligent in our writing efforts. The Muses have blessed me with a new idea. I've included it with this letter. Look my proposal over and we can discuss it next meeting. If you have any questions, please call me. Thanks! 


George D. Kirts 


Should you decide to accept this mission, I've created a scenario which is included. It's an incomplete short story. Your task will be to help me finish the short story. Directions follow. Don't worry, this will not self-destruct, but if it turns out lousy, I will deny any connection to the project. Good Luck!!! 

1) Create one or more characters 

2) Describe your character(s)so we have some idea of what they are like 

3) Develop a story about your character(s): 

A) How they came to be at the coffee shop 

B) Something about their lives 

C) Maybe create a conflict for them that requires resolution 

D) Tell their life's story 

E) etc. 

4) Blend their tales into the plot of the scenario so it moves towards a conclusion 


1) Create a family, i.e., husband, wife, child; create a conflict they are presently involved with 

2) Create an escaped convict or someone on the run to add some tension or action to the plot 

3) Create an unusual or eccentric character 

4) Borrow from your own experience. Throw in someone you know or even, yourself 


Be creative. Let your mind wander. Experiment! Be outlandish! Distill! Let yourself become a fictional character and live vicariously through the character. Blend in some conflict out of your real life and work out a conclusion to it. Just let go and write! 

There's no good, bad, or ugly in this. There is nothing too trivial to include. There's only creativity. The fun is in making it all work. 

Be forewarned: I may throw in some plot twists! 


George Kirts 

Well, we each asked ourselves, what better way to while away the long, dark hours of winter? So the rest of us took George's challenge and decided to help him spin the following tale.... 
The Set Up
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