May, 1973

Something’s Bugging Me, God

0 God, all my life I’ve been used to people giving me encouragement. For everything I’ve done there’s been a medal, or a certificate, an honor roll, words of praise, percentile ranks, predictions of success, progress reports, A’s, B’s, C’s…

Now all of a sudden I’m out in the world trying to serve You, Lord, and there’s no encouragement no one I can turn to say, "Tell me how good or what good I’m doing!"

Sometimes I want to say, "How am I doing, God? Send me a report card! The ghetto’s still here and the kids still act the same old way. Has my being here made any significant difference to any kid? Tell me I’m succeeding in this kid’s life, God, so I can know. Assure me of success, God. Tell me that all the praying, grieving, worrying, time spending, energy expending and loving is going to keep this kid’s life from wasting in jail, or from being wrecked with drug or booze addiction. Tell me that he’s not going to father different children and leave them fatherless, or that his life will not be spent only on himself. Tell me he’ll find love, happiness, and your perfect plan for his life, God!

Something’s Bugging Me, Child

Stop trying to go on an ego trip, kid. Stop trying to play God! Just trust Me. Let Me use you to show My Love and My Compassion to these kids. “The Battle is Mine,” saith the Lord—“and so is the Victory.”

"Commit your work to the Lord. Then it will succeed." Proverbs 16:3.