Well, today is Sunday. Sundays we always speak at a different church we sing, give testimonies, and Doug gives the message. He asks different ones to do it each time. Anyway, after Charlene gave a testimony tonight, instead of rejoining the group, she went down by Doug and they announced their engagement to the whole church and to us!

We discovered that Donald had taken Edie's jewelry box and some watches, and a camera while he was staying here this week. That was our fault. We should have taken the valuables out of that room before Donald stayed in it. Larry went to talk to him tonight. He gave back the ring of Edie's but sold Debbie's watch and said he would give back the camera. But he hasn't given back Greg's record player yet. Oh, perhaps I should explain. Donald was sleeping in the third floor back room, which is also some of our summer staff girls' room except they were out at camp. That leaves Edie's watch and a spoon bracelet unaccounted for. Debbie's watch was given to her by a guy and it's gone

Greg's house has been hit every other night this week he's out his clothes, $150, and food. Apparently Frosty has a key and he's really out to get Greg. That means he's still not putting the blame where most of it should be, for getting put out on himself and his rebellious, willful, undisciplined ways.

Annie Williamson returned home today because of family problems