July 10th, 1973

Hot again today! Larry couldn't sleep too good last night, he said. He woke up dripping sweat this morning, looked pale and dizzy all day. He doesn't have a fan or an air conditioner. Neither do I. I lay in my close, hot little third floor room for as long as I can stand it, then give up, and come down to the half couch in the 2nd floor living room. It's located in the bay window. My feet hang way over, and my head hangs over, but at least there's a little breeze through those windows. only way I can sleep. Larry's room is a large 2nd floor front one I really shouldn't come down to 2nd floor and sleep, it's not very modest but when you're desperate, you're desperate!

Donald went to Frankford with us this morning, sulkily. He left after lunch to job hunt and didn't come back.

Our afternoon class is now black, white, and Spanish with 20 kids in our group alone! Oh, yes, I forgot to mention yesterday Crystal Sharpe, another city kid, like Bone, is also on summer staff, is with us on Operation Saturation this week. Crystal is a really sharp, and gorgeous young lady. I think I may have mentioned Shoobie somewhere. Well, Crystal is Shoobie's cousin - his mother and family live in West Philly with Crystal's mother and family. I guess that when Shoobie got saved, Doug and Ann started a teenage Bible study from that area. Shoobie brought Crystal to the Bible study, which was at Mt. Vernon St. and evidently had talked to her about accepting Christ. Crystal wanted to. So I guess Shoobie took her upstairs to Ann, said, "Miss Ann, this is my cousin Crystal, she wants to accept Christ," pushed her in, closed the door, and there she and Ann stood, looking at each other. Ann led her to Christ.

Well, Crystal really stayed faithful to the Lord. She started attending Calvary Gospel Chapel. She also was a weekend volunteer counselor with Teen Haven after she graduated from West Philly High, and has or is going to take secretarial training and she joined summer staff this summer. yes, remember I mentioned Moose, the guy who's attending Taylor University, whose brother Snake is in Jail? Well, Crystal went with him.

I was just thinking, it must be strange for Bone and Crystal be working this week in a white middle class neighborhood. I wonder if they're afraid, like we were when we went into their neighborhood? If they are, they haven't said anything. And the kids really take to them.

We went to White Hall Projects this morning. Most of the people who live there are black and Spanish, and the Projects is looked down on by the rest of the neighborhood. Even Frankford has its small ghetto. Things are a little better there though, there's no gang.

A French singing group was at the church when we came back for lunch. They joined us in the afternoon. They were delightful and friendly, although many couldn't speak English.

Before we went out we had a prayer meeting. It was neat. Some prayed in English and others prayed in French as God led people from both groups to speak out. They went to the Whitehall projects, and sang in French and English, let the kids strum their guitars, taught them French songs, and witnessed to people in halting English. It was very healthy sharing. Oh, we started another VBS club at White Hall.