Sunday, June 10th, 1973

It's been a lazy day and full of blessings kind of like the Lord dropping gems into your day. I haven't written for a while, because I've felt sick and headachy.

I've been concerned about the 20th Street situation, and the effect that Barb's being away at camp so much during the summer would have on the guys. I guess I'm always worried about Ronnie's leaving, like he did so unaccountably last summer. He needs her there to hold him there.

I've really been holding it before the Lord. Anyway, come to find out, Frostie went out to camp for Junior Counselor training this weekend by his own desire! Larry said that he was good too he stayed with the kids and showed no signs of temper! Praise the Lord! Lord, I pray that in Your time, You’d give Ronnie a desire to serve You.

The Junior Counselor training program was started at the end of last summer. Young people who have accepted Christ and who demonstrate a desire to grow by attending Bible studies and living Godly lives are trained to assist at camp. Ideally, each cabin should have a counselor and a junior counselor; and hopefully this experience will prepare the young people to be counselors when they are old enough. They have to be at least 14 to be a junior counselor.

The Teen Haven staff just the women, the men were at camp and Greg presented the ministry at Calvary Gospel Chapel today. Since Calvary is the home church of a lot of the staff, the folks there already know about Teen Haven—but they enjoyed it anyway. Calvary is a black church and they work along side of us in a lot of activities. Our camp outside of York runs year round; during the school year it runs on weekends, and one of our biggest problems during that time is finding counselors, because there aren't enough fulltime staff for all ten cabins. A lot of people at Calvary do volunteer counseling regularly. In fact, Matt Gallashaw ran the guys program as a volunteer all one winter!

Anyway, we met at Barb's at 10:30 to rehearse. Here's another blessing. Ronnie was there and everything seemed to be sunny and well with him. His room was a mess, so he walked into the kitchen and commented tongue in cheek, "Boy, ol' Agnes (last summer’s hurricane) really tore up my room last night!"

While we were practicing, his little kitten wandered in. He didn't know what to do with so many people there scampered around everyone's legs, then flopped under Annie's chair and messed. Well, Barb and Ronnie had an understanding when he got the kitten, so she called him. Ronnie came right away and mopped it up disgustedly. It was funny ah, the joys of motherhood.

He seems to be reading more he read the weather report in the paper, and followed along in Pam's Bible and with the songs. He and Pam sat right up behind the staff, since Pam isn't allowed to sing yet.

The Lord gave us a good time in church. Annie sang a beautiful solo, "Through It All.” She projects such a warm and genuine personality. She has full brown hair that cascades down her back around her face and soulful blue eyes and a smile that won’t quit. She wears the guitar like a comfortable piece of old clothing. Her voice is large and lovely and fills whatever room she’s in. When she sings she gives herself so unreservedly, totally, uninhibitedly to the music, the words, and the feelings. Held all of us spellbound. She even had us all sing the chorus with her at the end. She sings country western style because she’s from West Virginia.

Brother Ernie Davis brought a dynamic, powerful, common sense message about the art of personal witnessing. He took the message from Jesus and the woman at the well, that scripture portion in John. He made the thing about living water so clear. Jesus offered water for the woman's deeper thirst. He didn't start in on her habits (adultery), He first introduced her to Himself.

He asked Greg to lead out in prayer at the end, and when he did, you could tell Greg’s heart had been. He said, "Lord, we love You, and we just can't find the words to praise you!"

Ronnie even sat forward in his seat while Brother Davis was talking.

Greg has really been neat this week I think he's on staff until he starts life guarding at the neighborhood pool in July. He sings with us. Yesterday he went door to door at 23rd and Diamond with us. And he can really rap boldly to people in a door to door situation. It's really great to see him take the initiative, responsibility, and set a solid example for Frosty and Ronnie. Must really mean a lot to Barb, after giving so much to him, to see him give to the Lord and others.

Cook, Billie, and Yogi came in for a few minutes today -and Antonio came in for a meal.