Thursday, May 24th 1973

Bible club at 10th and Thompson today. Had about 8 girls. June is a dear! She and her brother were walking down Girard as I was walking up and when she found out I was coming for Bible Club, she said, "I'll be there!" and started running to get her glasses.

She got a cute little pair of glasses she was embarrassed to wear them.

Two teenage girls walked in during our Club, and sat off to the side a heavy girl, who sat in last time, and a thin, attractive girl. They were rather rude giggled, distracted the little girls, made funny comments about what I was saying, mimicked me, and were vulgar. But I think it was because Bible Club was something new and different, and they didn't know how to take it or me. The little girls were really kind of tense around them. They clammed up and wouldn't answer any questions at first. But Barbara Halley, bless her heart closed in prayer in spite of their presence. During the recreation time, these two got into a fight! They were pulling each other's hair, and the big girl slammed the slim girl up against the door and banged her head against the window. With that, I stepped in between with, "Come on, girls! Young ladies aren't supposed to fight."

I stuck close to the slim one, got her out the door and by that time it was forgotten. The other girl did come over and start a friendly conversation during recreation. She wanted to know why no boys came to Bible club. And neither one of them believed I didn't smoke!

Well, I wonder if they'll come back next week…

The 10th and Thompson Bible club is another one of Wanda Smith's, I took over when she left for Taylor University. Originally it met at Mrs. Thompson's in one of the low rise project houses. However, I eventually got permission to use the recreation center just across the street, and that's where we have it now.

Ronnie fell down the stairs today and hit his head! He had a headache most of the day and went to bed. Barb's going home and taking the guys this weekend.

Cook and Nardy were trying to make a zip gun in the building tonight. Cook was screwing a door latch onto a small piece of wood, and Nardy was filing the iron bar to a point. Bernie came in with an arial (sawed off) and bullets. And Cook swiped my rubber bands. He, Nardy, Dwight, and Bernie came up for potato chips and kool aid after the building closed.

Donald was funny; he grabbed a strand of my hair and said, "You got hair that's long and silky too?” (like Delores’)

The kids find long hair fascinating. I had 3 or 4 girls and guys pulling it and plaiting it (which can be equivalent to any torture!) on the step of 20th Street one night. That's supposed to be bad luck. The little girls at camp are always combing it and plaiting it. They keep trying to make the plaits stay, but they always come out. Ronnie's washed it once or twice. I've washed his too. Jerry's washed Delores' hair! Probably most of these kids have never been close enough to a white person to touch their hair and they have a real curiosity. I'd love to learn how to plait, corn row, and all that!