Who'll Who'll Stop the Rain
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Thanks and closing comments by Jeanne... 
I confess I wrote my story after seeing only episode 1, and episode 3 of Prey. No videotapes to go back to, although I did sit down and try to extract the essential memories from each episode before I wrote my own version. After sharing with other preymates through Tiffany's message board and through the wonderful fan fiction out there, I can see how much this story comes from experiencing Prey in my own private little world. But I can also see how the premise has so many possibilities and speaks to people in so many ways. I feel fortunate to have been touched by the wonderful insights of my fellow preymates on Tiffany's message board, because it was incredibly difficult for this first time fiction writer to try to "imagine" a new species of human! Even with all the wonderful story-telling done by the cast and creative team of the show! So while I have chosen to leave my story "almost virginal," I have gone back and tried to enhance it with some of my fellow preymates seminal insights. (I also went in and made some changes after ep 12 aired this summer.) Thanks to all you cooks who have seasoned this pot! Prey's scriptwriters should come talk to YOU! 
 Legal disclaimer: This page is not authorized or endorsed by The ABC Television Network, Warner Bros. Studios, Lars Thorwald, Inc., Edelson Productions, the cast, crew, writers or producers of Prey, or any of their affiliates, etc, etc. This is a fan-written page designed to appreciate "Prey" and provide a fan's-eye view of the show and is not intended to infringe on any trademark rights or copyrights. "Prey" and the characters' names and storylines, along with the above photo, are trademarked and/or copyrighted and therefore owned by one or more of the above-named parties.