Purdue University Instructional Labs Trouble Reporting System


Systems Analysis, Programming, Database Applications, and The Web

In 1982 the lab where I worked was the very first in our department to get a microcomputer — a Zenith Z-90 CP/M machine. It cost $14,000 and included an NEC spinwriter printer and 8" disk drive! Back then I didn't even know the difference between the terms hardware and software! But very soon I found myself using that computer and the terminology right along with those smart professors, technicians, post docs, and graduate students. I started taking classes and next thing you know, I'm writing my own programs at work!

From 1988 to 1991, I worked full time in the technology field doing systems analysis, programming, and database applications while finishing my Computer Programming Technology degree from Purdue University. What a great way to get an education! Not only did I get a fee break, in some cases I even earned college credit for my job!

After I graduated I worked an additional eleven years at Purdue and tackled problems in a variety of settings, differing in scope and even in approaches with a lot of good people. I wrote thousands of lines of code in third and fourth generation languages using the principles of structured programming and OOP on a variety of platforms - Windows, Unix, and Macintosh. I also used SQL in various packages to extract and massage data for conversions and reports. For the past six years, I have had opportunity to set up websites and write/install/configure/maintain/troubleshoot PERL CGI programs as well as Javascript, and of course HTML. I also have taken CBT-based training on Networking and taken commercial training on AIX server administration.

Since then I have done consulting work and am currently employed at Community & Family Resource Center / Tippecanoe Child Care where I develop primarily (and extensively) with Excel, Outlook, Office, and SharePoint Portal Server.


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